Antonio Delmar was born on July 9, 1961 in Mexico City in a family that for generations has made painting their a profession and as a way of living. He began his studies with his father and mentor Carlos Ayala Vallarta and continued with his eldest brother Carlos Ayala Gress.
With a trajectory of 40 years, his valued technique has got his work to be presented in more than 60 individual and 180 collective exhibitions in sites including cultural centers, galleries and auctions in countries like Russia, Spain, France, Canada, United States, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and around Mexico in venues like the Senate of the Republic, the Chamber of Deputies, the National Lottery, Mexican Institute of Petroleum and the World Trade Center.

Obra creada a los 10 años de edad en el estudio de su padre Carlos Ayala Vallarta

Dintel 24 maya de Yaxchilán, 110 x 90 cm., Óleo sobre tela.

3 Tajín, 90 x 110 cm., Óleo sobre tela.
Art to me is like a virus that is transmitted through genes from one generation to another because my children and my wife paint as well. Since I spent three decades fully dedicating myself to painting, one may appreciate the wide perspective of my maturity, personality, as well as subject and technique preferences.
Why do I paint? Because I have a sensibility for it, because my motives go beyond simply placing colors on canvas; I paint because the society I live in is my source of inspiration, I’ve been educated for it, and exercising my profession is my sustenance.
The sensibility, the knowledge, and the good taste of forms and colors give me the freedom of expressing the way I see the landscape around me and the topic that occurs to me.
What do I feel when I paint? It is pleasure: I am satisfied with penetrating my pictorial proposal; I play to be God. I make creations, and creating is sacred to me. A piece of art is creative when it unveils fancy, talent, originality, and good technique handling.
The art of painting implies turning your feelings and emotions into the magic of a painting!
Antonio Delmar